Friday 27 March 2015

Recruitment Documentation

Recruitment Documentation used in Tesco

In this section I will be talking about the company Tesco and how they create the necessary documentation for recruiting new staff and introducing them into the organisation. With the huge organisation like Tesco that is ever growing constant employment opportunities arise for old and new job positions, this being said careful planning and preparation needs to be put into place for the company to effectively introduce new personal. Therefore the necessary documents need to be in place to achieve this 

With Tesco having many different job roles co-existing and functioning together different skillsets are required when recruited and Tesco aim to find quality, quantity and accurate timings which are achieved by having a structured recruitment plan.

The recruitment process runs on statistics and decisions are made regarding employment four times a year, this allows for time take into account if a given store has enough staff available to achieve the organisations objectives. Tesco currently offers different ways of recruitment methods usually to get their positions advertised as greatly as possible this includes having a dedicated section on the Tesco website ( where users can gather and store information to create a profile for applicants notifying and alerting when new Tesco job opportunities arise.

Below is an example of a job application with necessary details on what the company is looking is for highlighting the ideal candidate and main responsibilities. 

In order to make the job application appealing to potential candidates it to outline productive and persuasive methods to outline the attention of a candidate and make them apply for this specific information. It also must contain factual content whether that is basic or somewhat detailed outlining tasks and responsibilities to be carried out in a welcoming format.

Another application for the job roles at Tesco require a more manual approach by filling in the application booklet.

Employability Skills


Depending on the job at hand ultimately depends on the qualifications required which is specified usually within the job application advert, as seen on the Tesco application it doesn’t specify that an ideal candidate doesn’t require any qualifications. This doesn’t mean the company aren’t regarding qualifications as they very well may ask a candidate in the next process, in this case what they are looking for isn’t on paper it’s possessed within a candidate’s personality that being their approach and interaction with general public on a daily basis.

Qualifications help to represent areas of knowledge learnt and can show good examples of skills within different areas so when applying organisations will take this into account in the whole application process.


Similar again to qualifications where as in some+ cases not required to a user however can be a huge benefactor in the application process, as it shows organisations you learnt and have history within a similar role. In this Tesco application it doesn’t state any requirements in regards to experience so the same circumstance applies, where candidates shouldn’t disregard any history and bringing up relevant experience factors when possible to showcase to the organisation that you have succeeded efficiently in a previous role.

Another factor that falls under experience is the understanding of how products or service functions correctly, for such knowledge employees may have attended training events to do so. In Tesco’s case having experience is required but can somewhat benefit a candidate, in a more specific job role like IT Technician an understanding is required in order to fulfil routine jobs that will require some form of training.


When advertising for any job role you are looking for a willing candidate that can offer productive means to the organisation, in Tesco’s case they require someone who’s is productive with customers by coming across polite and enthusiastic as stated within the job role description. Productivity isn’t just limited to the candidate but overall, that being the organisation at hand how employing staff can increase efficiency. For example Tesco review progression statistics and implement new staff as the business grows to allow more mind-sets working together to ultimately increase productivity.

Personal and Communication Skills


The way we engage in contact is a key attribute with a huge company such as Tesco who deal with customers on a day to day basis in different manors that being verbal and non-verbal, communication is a two way motion which also requires listening skills. An example of good communication is positively and efficiently getting your message across to another person whether this is one to one or leading a group discussion. Also facial expressions can communicate well amongst good eye contact to display interest in conversion.


Motivation is a keyset that can extend from one individual to another, having self-motivation is a skill that drives an individual to achieving their desired goals and accomplish success even when dissatisfying tasks appear and having the ability to motivate yourself goes far in a working environment and begins to demonstrate other key skills as well such as persistence and enthusiasm.

Time Management

Time management is another important skill to have and a must for an organisation such as Tesco as poor management could cause complications and potential money/time loss. Time can be easily managed be planning and arranging events and being aware of on-going activities and creating a balance between different events, time management can be applied effectively into many different scenarios to gain a better outcome.


In most situations and organisations being able to work in a group is an essential factor in job roles, having multiple mind sets working on tasks can help to overcome tasks easily freeing up any used resources. Anyone can be part of a group or team however speaking with confidence and adding valuable input shows not only good communication but the ability share and create group ideas to ultimately make the job easier. Teamwork is a valued asset with Tesco as the size of the organisation is huge solely relies on teamwork to operate with departments and shop floor employees communicating back and forth on a daily basis.

With customer and employee interaction on a daily basis and a company like Tesco advertising the importance of customer satisfaction is a key factor in  their business life-cycle. This must be expressed through different mediums one being through the company employees having a positive mental attitude and willing to not only help the customer but maintain positive interaction leaving the customer satisfied and comfortable whilst in the company's presence.

Contract Between Employer/Employee

M2- Gap Analysis

In this section I will be applying a GAP Analysis to the oganisation at hand "It Business Solutions" this will help to recognise not only what's best for the company, but within the future employees within the recruitment process. Using a GAP analysis allows to compare current standings to where the company will project to be in a certain time period and ultimately help to cross the bridges in order to achieve these objectives and company goals. Looking at current employees interpersonal skills and experience will help to maintain a high quality and pass on that into potential employees.

Qualifications are an important factor within any specialist job role, this determines how employees operate as they help prove staff are trained and rightfully qualified within that specific area. This means employees wouldn't require as much training to perform job roles within "It Business Solutions" meaning they can operative effective within the company sooner, rather than later. This poses multiple advantages for the company aswell that play a part in progressing positively towards reaching their potential those being, less money needed to train employees as the necessary skills are up to date amongst and therefore not missing working days where the company would undoubtedly suffer from absence one way or another whilst that employee is being trained. 

Efficiency and productivity are two critical elements needed to ensure a business strives towards objectives, the point above regarding qualifications is again important but not the ending factor. Sometimes it pays to search for additional criteria such as experience, as this can prove an employee’s success within a specific job role and combining the two could be a hugely beneficial to the organisation and potentially increasing the skills mentioned above. 

With the company specialising within IT Support, they need to ensure customers are treated with delicacy whatever the situation. This requires numerous interpersonal skills as essentially the communication could be the end factor of whether a customer remains a customer. To ensure this happens effectively communication is required, back and forth which also extends to maintaining a positive mental attitude, amongst being able to explain information directly and effectively in order to helpful to customer and company.

In conclusion I believe within this scenario the company will be able to excel and thrive by applying the skills and factors within the job roles mentioned above as they are specifically related and catered exactly for "IT Business Solutions"!

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